Thursday, March 12, 2009

Berlin Berlin Berlin

ahhh.....what a city. It seems like the world and their ubertrendy cousin are either living their or going there on a weekend sometime soon. Theres no recession jabber in the air because its like they've been living one for the last god knows how long anyway. Berlin is a testament to how life goes on and can improve in many ways when money isnt a persued pasttime.

Any given Sunday is like flea heaven.....heres a few snaps from some of the markets
Boxhagner Platz
Arkona Platz


  1. hi there - what a great website
    please email me details so i can give your blogspot and next flea market a shout out on my blog...

    are your posters available to buy?

    each is so graphically different...

  2. thanks...
    next flea is sunday March 29th...the new poster will be up on teh blog very soon!! any questions just email us on

    all posters are available to buy at the flea markets - €5 each and all the money goes to the artists themselves

  3. You've captured the Berlin flea and my stomping grounds quite well! Excellent photos!
