Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hi.. We would love to set up a web site to get more publicity and get ourselves out there! Only thing is we don't have much money so if anybody knows a web designer with spare time and a big generous heart send them our way. We will give them as much publicity as we can for their time and can trade them a free pitch for a couple of weeks at the flea market. Any help will be greatly appreciated!


  1. hey,
    I recently built a website using indehibit, a free downloadable site builder at , it is very easy to manage and set up and saves you the cost of someone actually building you a site. check it out!


  2. Hello - I am aweb designer and I would love to collaborate with you on this. We can have a chat about what you need. My contact details are on the website below.

  3. Ideally using something like or Wordpress would be handiest - as you can still get a decent design, but ye would still be in charge of all content and could easily update the site...
