Friday, August 24, 2012

Poster catchup

wheeewphf....that was a bit of a hiatus there from the blog. Sorry folks, guilty of neglect.
Since our last post about our gazebos getting robbed, we had a collection at the flea and raised an immensely generous €900 towards replacing them. THank you all SO SO much for helping us out. We really do appreciate the generosity that people have when someones luck is down. Thank you!

The summer has been......well not quite a summer but it has been and gone, thats for sure. We had a couple of stormy days over the last few months but nothing that our outdoor stallholders couldn't handle and they always go home with a smile on their faces (cuz they're great!) We're still hoping for an indian summer in September anyway, so fingers crossed for a last umphf of sunshine before the autumn.

To catch up on our last few months posters we've had some great one's from Hannah Doyle, Chris Ingel, Hilary Goudie and Trevor Finnegan. We're still blessed with amazing designers each month. Thank you all so much.

Trevor Finnegan - August

Hilary Goudie - July

Chris Ingel - June

Hannah Doyle - May

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